Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Event Horizon

As I am a fan of sci fi movies,and horror movies, I thought I would tell you about a movie that I saw the other day. Starring Lawrence Fishburn, Sam Niell, Joey Richardson, amongst others.

As far as I know, most horror movies lack a decent story or decent acting or character development. That's why I'm not into horror movies that much. But Event Horizon has an interesting story that is an ideal and most of all original environment for a horror movie. Even though character development is limited, as the film progresses you'll get to know most of the characters better. Especially Sam Neill's (Dr. Weir) and Laurence Fishburne's (Cpt. Miller) characters.

In the year 2047 a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the long lost starship "Event Horizon". The ship disappeared mysteriously 7 years before on its maiden voyage and with its return comes even more mystery as the crew of the "Lewis and Clark" discover the real truth behind its disappearance and something even more terrifying.

The rescue ship Lewis and Clark, commanded by Capt. Miller (Lawrence Fishburne), is dispatched on a secret mission, with Dr. Weir coming along. Aboard the ship, Weir tries to introduce himself to the captain and crew, but there is very little time to socialize, as most team members were hastily pulled out of shore leave for this mission. The crew is put into stasis (which means being put in an induced sleep in a water tank) due to the immense G-forces released during the flight to Neptune.

While in stasis, Dr. Weir suddenly wakes up, and is released from his tank. He walks around the ship, learning that he is the only one awake. While making his way to the bridge, he finds his late wife Claire (Holley Chant) sitting naked at the helm; when she turns around, her eyes are missing from their sockets. Screaming, he suddenly wakes up back in his stasis tank, as the Lewis and Clark is nearing its target; apparently, he just had a vivid nightmare, and he is released from the tank.

After a short recovery, the crew is anxious to learn what secret mission they have been dispatched to in such a hurry. Dr. Weir informs them that their mission is to salvage the Event Horizon, which has reappeared in a decaying orbit around Neptune, more than three billion kilometers from the nearest outpost on Saturn's moon Titan. After several incredulous reactions from the crew who still believe that ship was destroyed, Weir explains that the ship was actually built by the government to test a secret, experimental, faster-than-light gravity drive. The drive creates an artificial black hole to bridge two points in space, which significantly reduces journey time and creates the illusion of faster-than-light travel.

Clive Barker whose movie Hellraiser (1987) was a huge influence on the film, consulted on the project during pre-production.

3 stars out of 4, my rating

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