# 19
Lost In America. A film about finding yourself through discovering your country at the same time. Married couple decides to become free and easy after Albert Brooks quits his job after turning 30 and realising he has not lived enough before settling down. He and wife Julie Haggerty buy a motor home, and begin a cross country search for inner youth.
The discover that they are really much safer and happier with their boring lives, but it takes losing their "nest egg" of savings in Las Vegas to bring them back to reality.
Brooks tries to convince Casino owner (Garry Marshall) that he would get huge publicity if he would give back the money his wife has gambled away. Marshall explains to Brooks the hard facts of life, and Brooks has go from odd job to odd job to make ends meet.
# 18
Animal House
The insides of college frat houses is explored with this all out assault on decency.
The gang is on double secret probation, oh that John Vernon, one mean Dean. Great cast with John Belushi hamming it up as the load-mouth Bluto. When the guys are down and out, what do they do, "Road Trip", escaping college reality, actual learning, and responsibility.
Numerous great gags pulled, and they are mostly directed at "The Establishment" and the elite students, both male and female, and no one is safe, not even the livestock !!
# 17
Blazing Saddles
Give Mel Brooks an inch, and he takes the entire wild wild west, and then makes it wilder. A true farce on the sheriff saving the town from extinction, as the good citizens of Rock Ridge are shocked that new sheriff Bart, played by Cleavon Little is a black man, but begin to see beyond his colour and work with him and fast gun Gene Wilder to thwart Harvey Korman and his collection of evil doers.
Great farce, and some real slapstick action, especially when the movie breaks onto the NBC back-lot and reality confronts lunacy.
# 16
My Cousin Vinny
Numerous great gags pulled, and they are mostly directed at "The Establishment" and the elite students, both male and female, and no one is safe, not even the livestock !!
# 17
Blazing Saddles
Give Mel Brooks an inch, and he takes the entire wild wild west, and then makes it wilder. A true farce on the sheriff saving the town from extinction, as the good citizens of Rock Ridge are shocked that new sheriff Bart, played by Cleavon Little is a black man, but begin to see beyond his colour and work with him and fast gun Gene Wilder to thwart Harvey Korman and his collection of evil doers.
Great farce, and some real slapstick action, especially when the movie breaks onto the NBC back-lot and reality confronts lunacy.
# 16
My Cousin Vinny
What makes this movie worthy of the 16 slot is perhaps it's levels, and by that I mean we have the 2 young kids trying to understand why the justice system in the deep south does not resemble New York, or even New Jersey. They are mistaken for a robbery on the basis of a false identification and a similar looking car. Flimsy , and it would be easily turfed out in a New York minute, but this is not New York.
The other level this comedy hits is the age old struggle between male and female, (Marissa Tomei and Joe Pesci), and until Pesci hits his stride as smooth talking lawyer it is a he said she said cat fight for dominance. The supporting cast of Fred Gwynne as the southern judge who painfully deals with Pesci's foul mouth, his NY accent, and his choice of clothing add a lot of spark, as Pesci is not just battling for the 2 kids, or for his girlfriend, he is battling the judge, and hoping that the judge does not discover he has no license to practise law.
His "grit" analysis and Tomei's cross examination are likely the best scenes to watch.
The 2 Yutes ( what's a Yute asks Gwynne ) seem resigned to their fate, one lawyer who can't defend them, and one keeps getting contempt charges.'
Not your typical court room.
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